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Sentence examples for unfavourable factor from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 6 )

If calculated according to the forecast results, at least 10 injection production cycles could be produced in the reservoir in which crude oil was present: for the operation of the gas storage, this was without doubt a very unfavourable factor.

In general, high CD13 expression in solid tumours in patients is considered as an unfavourable factor.

KLK13 could mediate its role either by generating or activating breast cancer inhibitory factor(s) or by terminating the action of unfavourable factor(s).

Several studies postulated the absence of ER expression as an unfavourable factor for the probability of developing BM (Slimane et al, 2004; Weil et al, 2005).

In agreement with our study, a negative hormone receptor status has been identified as significant unfavourable factor for the probability of developing brain metastases in a study of 215 metastatic breast cancer patients [ 18].

Within ER-positive tumours, cell proliferation, p53 accumulation, bcl-2 expression and lymph node involvement provided significant and independent information for relapse and, in association, identified subgroups of patients with relapse probabilities of 20% (low-risk group, exhibiting only one unfavourable factor) to 90% (high-risk group, exhibiting three unfavourable factors).

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similar ( 54 )

Coal exploration includes activities and evaluations necessary to gather data for making decisions on such issues as the desirability of further exploration, the technical feasibility of mining (including favourable and unfavourable factors), and economic feasibility (including size of mine, coal quality assessment, marketability, and preparation of mined coal for market requirements).

Many of these methods didn't get used on large scale because various unfavourable factors such as high operational and maintenance cost, generation of toxic by-products (pollution) and due to complex treatment.

Other unfavourable factors were the male gender (p = 0.005) and RR course (p = 0.037).

At the same time, Cox regression multivariate analysis indicated that vascular invasion, n-factor and pTyr-proteins were unfavourable factors.

Therefore, this last population had additional unfavourable factors that could explain the worse prognosis of the disease.

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