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All the CNT arrays in this study have very high densities, and the field-screening effects become the dominant disadvantageous factor to the electron emission.

First, during the health-screening process for military recruitment, subjects with complete osseous coalition are more likely to have been excluded because it is a disadvantageous factor.

However, the study finds out that the maximum reflection loss of sole GNs is only −6.9 dB, because its good electric conductivity becomes a disadvantageous factor according to the impedance match mechanism [2].

In conclusion, our results are in contrast with the current proposed concepts from some authors, where overexpression of CD73 is considered as a disadvantageous factor in carcinogenesis [ 20, 25, 26].

Meanwhile, B*46, B*1501G (B*37, B*67, B*67 and B*52 alleles were observed to be disadvantageous factor from HIV-1 infection, suggesting that these five alleles may be considered as risk factors that increased the susceptibility of HIV-1 infection in Chongqing Han.

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similar ( 55 )

The core connotation of Ecocare is the balance of body ecosystem that is to achieve a relative balance between yin and yang of human tissue, organ, physiology, and psychology by removing the disadvantageous factors, replenishing the advantageous ones, and adjusting the body functions.

21 Since smoking is associated with several disadvantageous factors, we believe that the data from western Sweden are representative of the population.

Recent studies on migration and health tend to focus on risk factors for CVD in younger generations [ 6- 8] and have demonstrated that the length of time since migration is associated with a high prevalence of a disadvantageous risk factor profile.

In above-mentioned studies, we also observed that in the group of the patients subjected to postoperative cisplatin-based chemotherapy, the high expression of MRP2n was the disadvantageous prognostic factor.

(1) This study suggests that MRP2n is a new disadvantageous prognostic factor in PFTCs and (2) that expression in nuclear envelope can be associated with lower differentiation of cancer cells and their resistance to the cisplatin.

Development of mOGCT may involve the combined effect of genetic alterations or predisposition and disadvantageous environmental factors such as exposure to maternal hormones, external endocrine disruptors, or adverse lifestyle-related factors that disturb the cells' normal biochemistry.

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