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Sentence examples for bad factor from inspiring English sources

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I said, "I'm just asking the obvious, but we've all contemplated [that] there is a tremendously valuable "Cyrus is not completely bad" factor to the equation, [when it comes to] not only my identification with the character but much more importantly, to the audience's identification with the character.

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Firefighters were confronting a troubling combination of bad factors that the state escaped in recent years, namely tinderbox conditions created by record-low rainfalls and brisk and fast-switching winds known as Santa Anas, infamously dry and hot.

After radiation, "bad factors," such as Cox-2, p73, and PRL-3 increased their expression.

This indicates that there may be some mechanism by which tumors try to protect themselves by increasing the expression of "bad factors" against the damage of radiation.

This week's figures showing a further slide into a double-dip recession have only added to the "feel-bad factor".

I agree there are too many books – especially novels – that are wilfully nihilistic and I am weary of books where the feel-bad factor prevails.

This was the third win in a row and, on the back of the rousing 4-1 defeat of Tottenham, helped erode the feel-bad factor.

The combination of that feel-bad factor and the recession has undermined attendances and corporate support, which in turn affects the way the game is perceived by the people who allocate space on sports desks – a classic vicious circle.

Now, with that record cruelly shattered, Labour hopes that 26 January and 23 April (assuming the election is held in May) will be key in producing a feelgood – or at least, feel-less-badfactor, as voters prepare to go to the polls.

Only the Ospreys, the team most at loggerheads with the governing body over fixture scheduling and central financing, look like being competitive at the top end and the feel-bad factor may grow worse as the Heineken Cup pool stage unfolds over the next couple of weekends.

But over the past year consumption has dropped by 3.6% as households have turned squirrels.In this section Backwards, not forwards See you in court Separation of powers It's back The feel-bad factor Tragedy and farce Hug 'em close ReprintsThe big imponderable is whether there is even more squirrelling to come.

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