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Sentence examples for the consequence of their actions from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 4 )

De Blasio said landlords found to be engaging in such practice were "lawbreakers" who "need to face the consequence of their actions".

"Anyone who thinks of carrying out these types of attacks will be tracked down and brought before the courts to face the consequence of their actions".

In his eyes (and he tells a very convincing tale), we are progressing towards a point of increased capability and extended lifespan where reaching age 150 is not out of the question...which makes the twenty-somethings of today the first generation that may truly have to live with the consequence of their actions.

One reason that could explain the better performance in the platform task is that, as Povinelli (2000) proposed, this is a less demanding task because individuals do not need to mentally represent the side into which they could insert the tool, only the consequence of their actions over the reward.

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similar ( 55 )

They say "go through the door" or "pick up the key" and I describe the consequence of their action.

The oligarchs will eventually understand the consequences of their actions, and the voters will theirs.

They [BP directors] now face the consequences of their actions".

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