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Sentence examples for the outcome of their actions from inspiring English sources

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But here is the problem: the outcome of their actions is repeatedly creating situations they do not want.


By doing this, he was able to show that when someone is taking orders, their brain spends much less time considering the outcome of their actions.

In truth, it does not matter whether the planes dropping bombs over Libya are British, French, American or Qatari, because the outcome of their actions will ultimately be attributed to "The West" as a whole.

There are also LARPs that do without rules, instead relying on players to use their common sense or feel for dramatic appropriateness to cooperatively decide what the outcome of their actions will be.

In particular, it explores the balance of these factors in cases where people act with partial but imperfect control over the outcome of their actions.

The finding that self-administration responding continued to be maintained at high rates during the first exposure to saline substitution conditions (Fig. 2) suggests that habitual behavior had progressively developed in the monkeys and that they were becoming insensitive to the outcome of their actions.

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similar (53)

Arab affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi explains why people have taken to the streets to protest again and what the outcome of their action could be.

But "vertical" price-fixing (between a retailer and a manufacturer) may not be a violation, depending on such factors as the companies' motives and the outcomes of their actions.

Certainly, the chatrooms are overflowing with classic aggressive-male posturing, the sort that's so easy to do online: anyone you don't like or has done something you think is wrong is a "fag", nobody else there can ever have had sex, nobody cares about the outcomes of their actions.

On the other hand the use of computers can constrain the ability of users to understand or consider the outcomes of their actions.

Realistic economic systems try to predict the outcomes of their actions and of those of other agents, and in doing so they modify the structure itself that they are trying to cope with or outperform, as in financial markets.

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