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Sentence examples for the impacts of their actions from inspiring English sources

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exact (4)

Power asymmetries between the actors and their competing interests are involved in both the negotiation and implementation processes; the impacts of their actions and the effectiveness of the corresponding socio-economic and institutional conditions are all important factors to be considered.


It is a sign treatment is working when a patient gains insight and appreciation of their mental health issues and the impacts of their actions".

Until major newspapers reporting sexual assault allegations made it their problem, the Harvey Weinsteins and Louis CKs of the world weren't required to reckon with the impacts of their actions.

Therefore, cells have developed complex defense mechanisms to combat both the formation of ROS and the impacts of their actions.

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similar (56)

The immediate advance of Isis is seemingly halting – but the impact of their actions will remain.

Too many careless athletes do not understand the impact of their actions, or should I say, inactions.

How can we expect children of 10 and 11 to fully comprehend the impact of their actions, or the process of a very adult-oriented criminal justice system?

2015 Vision We will give our employees information to increase their awareness of the impact of their actions on the planet both at work and home.

"Sadly, the impact of their actions — indeed, the impact of them having this debate in the first place, is to scare the community away from civic authorities," she said.

Unbeknownst to most of the general public, the bulk of the NHPA encourages federal agencies to consider the impact of their actions on historic resources like archaeological sites.

The act attempted to keep federal agencies in check and ensure that they considered the impact of their actions on historic properties, including archaeological sites.

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