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Sentence examples for the importance of their actions from inspiring English sources

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The US authorities have understood the strategic nature of this new dimension, the importance of their actions and the impact that their security and defense policies represent to this new reality and The Pentagon has created a cyber command, cyber weapons and cyber policies.

Complex & Intelligent Systems

The design team decided that cutscenes should be used to advance character relationships, and that after each cutscene the player should have had their goal changed or the importance of their actions modified.

"That can only be achieved if someone comes to inform them of the importance of their actions.

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A chief discovery of the AI logicists has been the importance of actions and their relation to change.

Mawlana stresses the importance of people taking the responsibility of their actions.

Based on the recent theory by Fligstein and McAdam [[2],[3]], the paper stresses the importance of the actions of so-called challenger actors, which eventually might contribute with their activities to a change in the overall system of electricity generation.

"And therefore the importance of taking actions that are beneficial to others is heightened.

The tool helps the analyst to quantify the importance of human actions in the final plant state.

Most importantly Karma emphasises the importance of our actions and our need to be responsible for them.

This week's meeting underscores the importance of local actions by cities, states and provinces to meeting those needs.

However, appreciation of the remote effects of iNO has highlighted the importance of the actions of NO on circulating targets.

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Australian Nationa University

Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.


Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @

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