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Sentence examples for turkmenistan from inspiring English sources



proper noun

Country in Central Asia. Official name: Turkmenistan.

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exact ( 59 )

Turkmenistan is among the most corrupt and repressive countries on earth, according to watchdogs.

Turkmenistan has expressed interest in exporting to the EU via a trans-Caspian pipeline and to India and Pakistan across Afghanistan, but the plans are yet to get off the drawing board.

By 2013, Turkmenistan was China's largest foreign supplier of natural gas.

· Secondary education was reduced in Turkmenistan by one year, prompting human rights groups to complain of a deliberate attempt to dumb down the population to prevent dissent.

Niyazov ensured that gas-rich Turkmenistan remained one of the most isolated countries in the world, ensuring no free media, allowing little foreign travel and enacting a series of decrees that renamed the days of the week and months of the year after himself and members of his family.

"Because we had the earthquake, we decided to abandon that well," says Vaughan, who is originally from Kentucky and for the past 30 years has been fracking all over the world, from the US to Thailand to Turkmenistan.

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similar ( 1 )

It was not, she said, a diplomatic gesture towards Iran but rather "a way to help Turkey and Turkmenistan".The best thing about the agreement, from America's point of view, is that it does away with the deal signed last year between Turkey and Iran: the two projects have now, to all intents and purposes, been merged.

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