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Sentence examples for there is a clear separation from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 49 )

There is a clear separation there".

In the former case the ads are not sold on the promise of coverage, and in the latter there is a clear separation between the journal's editorial/critical team and the independent group of dealers who make decisions on the list of exhibitors.

There is a clear separation between the important edges (type 0 1) and unimportant edges (types 0 0 and 1 1).

At the higher surface concentration of 1.2 mg m−2, there is a clear separation between the two blocks with the polyethylene oxide exploring the aqueous subphase and part of the polymethyl methacrylate block being expelled into the air phase.

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similar ( 10 )

Despite that, the OFA method proved itself to be a useful tool in discriminating the diets of eco-geographically and/or temporally separate populations (e.g. there was a clear separation between meat-eating and mixed-diet hunter-gatherers).

If there's a clear separation between my own research and any decisions I have to make about other people's, there's less chance of a conflict of interest".

There was a clear separation of the entity annotation format and the exchange (dump) format of the released CHEMDNER corpus.

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