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Sentence examples for there is a clear information from inspiring English sources

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However, there is a clear information gap here.

The Guardian
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Given the strong and continuing public, political, and research interests in Pfiesteria piscicida Steidinger & Burkholder and related organisms, there is a clear need for information and resources of many different types.

Based on this, some recommendations can be confidently made, but there is a clear need for better information, clarifying higher-level studies on which to base prophylactic indications.

In the English language, there is a clear lack of available information, especially an overview of current planning schemes as well as the historical development of them.

Thus, there is a clear need for more information on the ability of BDE-209 to biomagnify and/or be debrominated in marine ecosystems.

There is a clear need for better information sharing about cervical cancer risk factors and screening in the total screening population.

Although obtaining an efficient classifier might seem enough in some cases, there is a clear loss of biological information if the value or power of the chosen genes is not translated into parameters that allow to characterize and rank the genes.

Graham Smith, the deputy commissioner, said: "Our view has always been that there are additional details in the documents over and above the information already disclosed and that there is a clear public interest in this information being released".

Many women with RA struggle to find adequate information on pregnancy planning, pregnancy and early parenting in relation to their chronic condition, and there is a clear need to develop accessible information that is consumer-focused and evidence-based.

In conclusion, there is a clear need for integration of information from patients acquired at other hospitals into the normal workflow to provide easy and timely access to patient data.

Given a finite sequencing effort, there is a clear trade-off between maximizing information per taxon versus maximizing taxonomic recovery itself (Srivathsan et al. 2014) and the appropriateness of a method will depend largely on the question and study system.

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