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Sentence examples for there is a clear rationale from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 14 )

There is a clear rationale for narrowly targeted diplomatic expulsions.

There is a clear rationale for their concerns.

There is a clear rationale for osteopathic manipulative treatment in management of headaches that involve cervical spine dysfunction such as cervicogenic headache.

Introduction: There is a clear rationale for monitoring microcirculatory behaviour during shock since it is the anatomical location of oxygen and substrate exchange, and may not correspond to global haemodynamics.

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similar ( 45 )

While Cirque du Soleil has yet to recruit any of its performers directly from Cirque du Monde, there is a clear business rationale for its social programmes.

Therefore, these studies should only be performed when there is a clear scientific rationale to do so.

It appears that there is indeed potential benefit from tifacogin, provided that patients are not exposed to concomitant heparin, and there is a clear biological rationale to explain why there could be a negative interaction between the two agents.

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