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Sentence examples for there is a clear divide from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 19 )

In principle there is a clear divide between science and technology.

"There is a clear divide in society as where obesity occurs – so we have to work on the inequality, we have attack the issues on food security.

There is a clear divide between those who dream of a career in London, and those who are content to stay in Frankfurt, he says.

There is a clear divide between the US and Europeans, particularly in the UK, over users' comfort in talking out loud to an inanimate object.

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similar ( 40 )

For another, there is a clear dividing line in religions: Old Time Religion, the authoritarian version that plays on dark moral emotions, is the problem.

Though there is a clear dividing line between these two emotions, Dr. Panksepp points out that they stem from the same core emotional center in the brain.

Before I left for college, there was a clear divide between my social life and my parents'.

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