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Sentence examples for the implication of their actions from inspiring English sources

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They are aware of what the first amendment entails and resent the condescension of those who imply that they do not fully understand the implication of their actions.

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Just like all those characters, Philip and Elizabeth are constantly grappling with the implications of their actions.

"People begin to realize the implications of their actions, and that's where norms get generated," Professor Cheshire said.

"I hope those at the trust reflect on the implications of their actions, and the type of world they play a role in shaping".

Echoing Mr. Powell, Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, called Syria a "rogue nation" and said Syrian leaders under President Bashar al-Assad "need to seriously ponder the implications of their actions".

In an interview with CBS's "60 Minutes," Mr. Dagan said the Iranian government was "a very rational one," and that Iranian officials were "considering all the implications of their actions".

A telltale feature of PC behavior is when government reformers disingenuously impugn the motives of those who call them on the implications of their actions.

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