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Sentence examples for retrieves from inspiring English sources




Third person singular of retrieve

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He retrieves his scarf, exchanges a few friendly words with some members of the public who have recognised him, and heads outside to wander about on his own and stare at trees.

The Met is reluctant to encourage the fad by talking about it; but on the other hand, prospective kidnappers ought to know that the force retrieves all the hostages it is informed about, alive, with no ransom paid.

Instead, firms need to go on the offensive, using everything from spyware that monitors suspected hackers' activities to software that retrieves or deletes pilfered property (see article).

As it is, he rarely retrieves any of his existing paper files still less his digital ones when putting thoughts together for something fresh.

Now she retrieves the rubbish of apartment blocks that have an arrangement with the charity and sorts the recyclable portion in one of its sheds.

The friendship is between a dapper German bounty hunter, Dr King Schultz Christoph Waltzz), and a slave, Django Jamie Foxxx), he retrieves from a chain gang in Texas.

Cornered, she reaches over her shoulder into her back-pack, retrieves an orange bottle, and drinks its contents.

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