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Sentence examples for recover from inspiring English sources




To get back, regain (a physical thing lost etc.).

  • After days of inquiries, he finally recovered his lost wallet.
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The word "recover" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it in a sentence to mean to restore or regain something that has been lost, damaged, or stolen, or to regain strength or health. For example, "It took years for John to recover from the PTSD he experienced during the war.".

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"The parents were hoping he would come with some information for them about where the girls may be and what efforts are being done to recover them, but instead to be told he is not coming was not easy for them.

In this slump, it is down almost 7 percent, and still has not really begun to recover.

This civic-mindedness has never been allowed to recover, due in large part to the loyalist paramilitaries who demonstrated the other night in east Belfast that they are not yet ready to allow their communities the emancipation they truly deserve.

"That makes me wonder whether I will be able to recover my instinct for the game," he said.

Civic planners in the world's largest metropolises have learned how to make urban spaces safer and more liveable, allowing cities to recover, thanks to new approaches to policing and social investment," he says.

As he tries to dig the ball out from under his feet, Naughton does just enough to recover and clear.

Judge Llewellyn rejected Mrs Al-Daher's counter-claim to recover the £1m of her debt she had paid in December 2012.

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