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exact ( 5 )

"Should this continue, we will certainly consider exploring it further".

Only hours later, in interviews with television anchors, the president said he had discussed the proposal with Mr. Putin the week before on the sidelines of a summit meeting in St . Petersburgand was open to exploring it further.

Being engaged by something and exploring it further.

Ask that question to yourself first, and then show that his or her uniqueness matters, by exploring it further.

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similar ( 53 )

The probe will get a chance to explore it further before crashing into the lunar surface when it uses its orientation cameras to try to see what the Apollo astronauts saw.

Given the frequency with which I heard this sort of judgment and how much harm it does to athletes, I wanted to explore it further in the hopes of finding a way to lessen its impact and even change how athletes evaluate their daily training experiences.

I did not explore it further and had no idea that it has never been solved.

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Being a terminologist, I care about word choice. Ludwig simply helps me pick the best words for any translation. Five stars!


Maria Pia Montoro

Terminologist and Q/A Analyst @ Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

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