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Sentence examples for disruptive factor from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 25 )

In 93%, the disruptive factor was antibiotic exposure and in one study, chemotherapy caused the microbiota disruption.

In other words, not a disruptive factor, in Mr. Conway's view.

First Albany's report, raising PeopleSoft to a buy from neutral, said Oracle's bid "is no longer a disruptive factor".

Now, there are concerns that Hekmatyar's presence in Kabul and other parts of the country could add another disruptive factor to an already volatile political situation.

The Yankees have added six players this season, but looking around the clubhouse today, Stanton said he did not have to worry about any one of them being a disruptive factor.

Where the relationship between Neylan and Sproul had been a source of stability between the office of the President and the Board of Regents, it was by the time of the oath a potentially disruptive factor.

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similar ( 35 )

The three issues – the Israel-Palestine conflict; the role of Wahhabi Islam in Saudi policy at home and abroad; and the pursuit of political reform in the Arab world – are likely to be disruptive factors in the relationship in the years ahead and will require creative diplomacy to manage….

All disruptive factors for British bonds you might think, but gilts can still offer decent returns if approached in the right way.

Yet, in the folds and margins of normalised and established research practices, unexpected findings may point to the presence of disruptive factors: the intrusion of a treacherous object a, a factor X, inciting suspicion and evoking desire.

It is more realistic to consider non-autonomous neural networks in the real world, because many disruptive factors, such as a voltage fluctuation, may vary coefficients (decay rate and connection weight) and input signals of neural networks.

One of the key elements in identifying disruptive factors is the detection of risk factors.

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