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Sentence examples for as life unfolds from inspiring English sources

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But Boris convinces most students that language management rooted in their memorized verbal islands will produce "the appearance of fluency" at first, then progress swimmingly as life unfolds in Russia.

We can live it lost in our own thoughts, or we can choose to be present, moment to moment, watching as life unfolds around us". "Is a problem still a problem if you don't think it's a problem?" "We can't control everything that happens to us in life, but we can fundamentally transform our experience of those things".

Some days we experience higher levels of worthiness, yet as life unfolds we make mistakes, such as yelling at our children or trusting the wrong people.

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It is as if he's always waiting for me as my life unfolds, and has been for almost 30 years.

Keep in mind as you work through this decision-making process that your priorities are likely to change as your life unfolds.

Cameras watch their every move and we are voyeuristically entertained as their life unfolds.

The story of my sister is part of a more profound drama, one that I know holds more joyful fortunes as her life unfolds in the multiverse.

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