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Sentence examples for as life moves from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 7 )

You're basically middle-aged these days, Amol, and just as life moves on so do high streets.

As life moves on and residents come and go, the winter of 2006 will remain for ever woven into the area's history.

The move coincides with early summer in Adelaide, showing the city as its best as life moves outside – with citizens taking advantage of the city's parkland, pavement cafes and the long beach that fringes the west of the city.

Ms. Kim lies on her side on a windy ledge in "A Needle Woman" and stands facing the Yamuna River in India as life moves by in "A Laundry Woman," above.

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similar ( 53 )

The sun doesn't shine as brightly, life moves a little bit slower, and your heart -- it just doesn't beat the same way anymore.

As his life moves peacefully to its close, Indonesians seems baffled about how to think about the old despot.

Even as his life moves on, he said, he hopes Moani Daniel's case will provide justice for others.

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