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Sentence examples for appalling event from inspiring English sources

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"appalling event" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. You can use it to refer to something that is truly awful or shocking. Example: The news coverage of the terrorist attack was filled with details on the appalling event.

exact ( 11 )

The Holocaust really was a historically exceptional and appalling event".

How, I asked myself, had this appalling event remained so little known outside Angola?

Now it's all about personal, spiritual and material fulfilment Asim Siddiqui: An appalling event launched Islam into the spotlight.

It was an appalling event immediately after the July 21 bombings … It is something I deeply regret.

Should one be surprised that this appalling event took place in a city that encapsulates all the major social tensions and inequalities in contemporary France?

One appalling event after another reinforces the sense that the country's political and law-enforcement institutions do not extend themselves as completely or as fairly as they do for whites.

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similar ( 49 )

Paris looks the same it was before those appalling events.

A wonderfully well-woven tale that shines a light on fascinating and appalling events.

The appalling events of the Nazi era are still within living memory.

But this suggests that a person can "get over" the appalling events they have experienced in one fell swoop.

Bloom has uncovered an episode in London's history that deserves to be better known, and her research has thrown up some appalling events.

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