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Sentence examples for ghastly event from inspiring English sources

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exact (4)

In "Broadchurch," you can taste the grief and the horror and the extraordinariness of this random ghastly event happening to these people.

The New York Times - Arts

A firearms expert should have worn something other than a glorified wife-beater to analyze this ghastly event.

The whole ghastly event was unintentionally caught on camera, as the church regularly recorded its weekly sermons to post on YouTube.

When FOX News fires up the war hawk, fear-mongering partisan propaganda machine and men vying to lead our nation attempt to stir xenophobia in the aftermath of global carnage, we should be disgusted at their knee-jerk reaction to use such a ghastly event to push an agenda on us at a time when we're emotionally fragile.

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similar (56)

Africa faces it as the ghastly events in Nigeria show.

Ghastly events demand that everybody pay attention to the man wielding the versatile invention.

A handful of survivors and bystanders recount the ghastly events that resulted in 146 deaths a century ago.

They pay $395 per brick to perpetuate epic games, dearly departed rooters, beautiful evenings, ghastly events, unforgettable bites of sausage, sweet or spicy.

But now the ghastly events at the holiday office party of local health workers have become, as Americans say, a whole new ball game.

For in a longer perspective, the meaning of the ghastly events of 1839-42 was the final collapse of a courtly culture that looked back to Tamerlane, the end of Kabul's long history as the entrepôt of Central Asia and Afghanistan's gradual descent into the war-torn backwater of Asia.

"The Jinx" is wickedly entertaining: funny, morbid, and sad, at once exploitative and high-minded, a moral lasagna of questionable aesthetic choices (including reconstructions of ghastly events) and riveting interviews (of Durst, but also of other eccentrics, like his chain-smoking-hot second wife).

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