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Sentence examples for the repercussions of their actions from inspiring English sources

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Let's just hope they're ready to confront the repercussions of their actions – warts and all.

The Guardian

The repercussions of their actions were disastrous for the nation's business and were felt even in Europe.

"We do feel a certain level of responsibility to show the repercussions of their actions," he said.

They hope to persuade parents and schools to teach children about the repercussions of their actions online.

These reporters are often people who don't plan to return to Afghanistan anytime soon, and so don't care about the repercussions of their actions.

Sleeper cells and refugee flows Joseph Willits is an official with the Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu) and a former teacher based in Syria The most serious threat that Isis poses to the West remains in the repercussions of their actions and territorial gains, exacerbated by the actions of the Assad regime in Syria.

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By recognizing the far-reaching repercussions of their actions, these leaders engage people's passion and foster organizations where work has deeper meaning.

Finally, there is the issue of your kids reputations and, in some instances, of legal repercussions of their actions.

The Red Sox have grown sensitive to the repercussions of their talks with Texas and Rodriguez.

Meredith and Shepherd discuss the repercussions of their breakup, and realize that they cannot reconcile.

Some participants discussed the repercussions of their knee symptoms on their family life.

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