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Sentence examples for the causes of their actions from inspiring English sources

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Machines cannot feel hate, and they cannot lie about the causes of their actions.

He claims that that those who say such things are either not attending to, or not seeing, the causes of their actions.

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Of course, although the data show that police reported that as the cause of their actions in far greater numbers after the 1985 Supreme Court decision that said police could only justify using deadly force if the suspects posed a threat to the officer or others.

According to self-determination theory, extrinsic motivation encourages people to regard the cause of their actions as being outside themselves rather than thinking of themselves as agents of change.

Though non-personal beings may "act" in the syntactic sense, they are not truly subjects of action since the cause of their action is extrinsic to them.

Second, the relevant similarity claimed between Normal Tool and a normal deterministic agent is a historical fact about the remote causes of their actions.

We must look deeper to examine the real cause of their actions when the insight to follow the very basic values of Islamic principles is absent from anyone labeled or claiming to be "Islamist".

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