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Sentence examples for scriptures from inspiring English sources

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As for the love triangle between Moses, Nefretiri and Rameses, that doesn't appear in scriptures or history.

"Justice is, in the Hebrew scriptures of the Bible, defined as when you're an advocate for a person who cannot be an advocate for themselves.

And unless I get a new version of the scriptures it's really not my place to just say, 'OK, I'm just going to evolve.'" Huckabee is currently promoting a book, God, Guns, Grits and Gravy, which heralds what he says are the values of the states located between the more liberal east and west coasts.

"ORIGINAL sin" in the economic scriptures differs slightly from its theological counterpart.

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Their objection to transfusion reflects warnings against consuming blood that occur in the New Testament book of Acts, and as well as in the books of Genesis and Leviticus in the Hebrew Scriptures.

But remember, that name is a variant of Joshua, which is more commonly associated with one of the heroes of the Hebrew Scriptures.

But it was for his Christian beliefs, not for his dialogue, that he was killed in pagan Rome; and he wasn't an emollient dialogue partner he had robust arguments with his Jewish interlocutor about which of them was interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures correctly.So what was the Jesuit spokesman in the Netherlands trying to say about his slain compatriot?

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