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Sentence examples for overall personnel from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 10 )

Overall, personnel reported an average of 2.24 work-related symptoms each, and 67.2% of respondents reported at least one.

Overall personnel costs rose by 59% after inflation, even as the number of people employed rose by only 3%.

Between 2000 and 2009, the cost of the company's payroll soared by 50percentt even as overall personnel decreased by 30percentt.

A number of senators quizzed General Allen on whether expectations about the final size of the Afghan security forces that NATO will train and leave to guard the country would drop below the current goal of 352,000 overall personnel.

The Maliki government is implementing plans to expand the Iraqi Army and to increase its overall personnel strength to address critical gaps, but we judge that significant security gains from those programs will take at least 6 to 12 months, and probably longer, to materialize.

He nevertheless added: "We retain a sharp focus on our cost base, but never at the expense of profitable innovation". As a result of synergies from the ORC/CameronTec merger and lower variable salary components in the latest financial period, overall personnel costs have declined.

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similar ( 50 )

We estimated the economic consequences of productivity loss (indirect costs) related to headache in the university hospital to 14 million CHF (9.5 million EUR), representing 3.2% of the overall annual personnel expenditure.

The economic consequences of this productivity loss may thus equal approximately 14 million Swiss Francs (9.5 million EUR), representing 3.2% of the overall annual personnel expenditure of the hospital.

Overall, administrative personnel reported the least post-violence effects; 27.2% had no impact (P 

Overall, 85 personnel (2.83% of base population) met the case definition for influenzalike illness.

The overall structure, personnel and their key roles in the programme are shown in online Fig. DS1.

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