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Sentence examples for noxious factor from inspiring English sources

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And, when it comes to neglect, the research shows that is the most noxious factor of all — worse than physical abuse.

This noxious factor, acting upon the [vulnerability of] schizoidia, transforms the latter into schizophrenia.

First, the schizoidia [the clinical core], which is a constitutional, highly specific, and temporally enduring factor, and, second, a nonspecific noxious factor of [environmental] evolutive nature.

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Delirium may have many causes, but in most cases a multifactor model can best explain its pathophysiology, with the combination of some predisposing conditions and incident noxious factors.

Numerous studies have determined that in PHG, the gastric mucosa has an increased susceptibility to injury caused by alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other noxious factors.

The pathology is likely caused by the action of various groups of bacteria (polymicrobial), either through the production of noxious factors and/or antigens or through the depletion of protective mediators such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) (Kamada et al., 2013; Kostic et al., 2014; Strober, 2013).

If the noxious agent persists, liver fibrosis progresses to cirrhosis.

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