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Sentence examples for lack of nourishment from inspiring English sources

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exact (22)

A lack of nourishment artistically?

The New York Times - Arts

No lack of nourishment to rob woman of strength, and give them invalids to nurse.

Here, even the adult men are skeletally thin, the sign of a lack of nourishment.

The physician described Lindh as "disoriented" and "suffering lack of nourishment," adding that "suicide is a concern".

Before Will, there was Heinrich Hoffmann's Suppenkaspar, who would not eat his good soup and wasted away for lack of nourishment.

At first, they asked a lot of questions, some rather intrusive, but then, as will happen, their curiosity diminished from lack of nourishment.

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similar (38)

Lack of proper nourishment and stimulation not only stunts early child development but actually physically changes the architecture of the developing brain.

It had the appraising experts, the challenges and even the agitato strings of its model, but it lacked the warmth of nourishment, the way that baking goes absolutely to the heart of family life.

This provides the graft with a blood supply before it dies from lack of oxygen and nourishment and from the accumulation of poisonous waste products.

To our knowledge, there is currently no information regarding whether and how the gastrodermal cells provide energy to the epidermal cells, cells in the mesoglea, and gastrodermal cells that lack dinoflagellates and/or access to nutrients from the gastric cavity, and regarding whether these modes of nourishment change on establishment of symbiosis.

Hunger has, in turn, made the impact of the AIDS crisis in Africa far worse lack of nourishment further weakens the immune systems of those infected.But if there is broad agreement on the scale, nature and urgency of the problems, finding a consensus on how to tackle them is more difficult.

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