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Sentence examples for i recommend building from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 8 )

"I recommend building relationships.

I recommend building a curve per sequence.

Instead, I recommend building the highest safe floor under your retirement.

Instead, I recommend building up a public portfolio of simple but interesting projects.

I recommend building an investment team that has variable experience across different firms and individuals.

I recommend building an API-driven booking engine that integrates into your hotel's website while customizing design and user flow.

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similar ( 52 )

Stage 1: Consume 5 Apples: The only trick here is that you need to take some damage before you can eat apples, so I'd recommend building a 3-story ramp and dropping off of it a few times.

The experts recommend building a contraption out of an empty soda bottle, filling it with soapy water, and drowning the stinkbugs inside, but I am dubious.

Researchers recommend building 'headroom' into policy targets to allow for rebound effects raising energy prices in line with energy efficiency improvements or imposing absolute caps on emissions.

It is expected to recommend building new nuclear reactors when it reports in the summer, partly because of climate change fears.

Some Administration officials, Congressional aides and oil executives said last week that the companies were expected to recommend building the pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan to Supsa in Georgia.

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