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Sentence examples for i recommend using from inspiring English sources

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"I recommend using Japanese furochiki," she said.

I recommend using Notepad++ for example.

I recommend using MPlayer to play them under Linux.

"I recommend using your third wish to prevent joint pain in later years".

"Are you sure?" The user concluded, "I recommend using and posting to this site with trepidation".

I recommend using certified organic oxygen bleach to clean tile grout.

To my mind there is no substitute for pounding by hand, and I recommend using a marble pestle and mortar.

"But for those who have time and prefer longer-lasting whitening, I recommend using a dentist-dispensed bleaching tray".

There is, however, no swimming at Harkness, and I recommend using a drag net where there are bathers.

"Typically, I recommend using copper if you're going to create a permanent shower," said Mr. Fierro, who prefers recycled materials.

I recommend using Yogi's Guide ( and Paul Magnanti's free online guide ( for planning your trip.

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