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Sentence examples for evokes shades of from inspiring English sources

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Attila Joey Csiki evokes shades of a petruschka, alternating silly with mournful, and Katarzyna Skarpetowska has a quietly deft touch.

The New York Times - Arts

While Harrison Long evokes shades of the carousing Prince Hal of his former days, the actor relies on political savvy at the expense of substance and the inner turmoil of a man who is determined to hold onto honor in defiance of the seductiveness of war and power that could overtake his sense of responsibility.

Countless lists are popping up across the internet, but none contain the actual best movie of 2018, a thrilling and ambitious silent film that evokes shades of '70s-era gangster pictures with a touch of "Mission: Impossible". .

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The interminable "Scrutiny," created in 1987 to a commissioned score by Michael Raye, evoked shades of "Dance," Lucinda Childs's minimalist classic from 1979.

Gruenwald's run focused on superheroics at the expense of Rogers's civilian persona, and it introduced Diamondback a sometime villain who evoked shades of Catwoman as a romantic interest.

Mr. Harrell morphs into a sashaying, voluptuous femme fatale; Mr. Lac scythes his limbs in joint-popping formations, evoking shades of the miraculous house dancer Javier Ninja from the famed House of Ninja.

L'Enfant's grand design of broad boulevards, grassy circles and tree- shaded squares evokes the aura of a European city.

Blue Devils, with its twisted, interlocked figures barely discernible beneath the deep, overlapping shades of blue, evokes a misconduct occurring in a state of near invisibility.

Wilder has an innate sweetness that neutralizes a lot of the dumbness of Stanley, a character called Berenger in the play but renamed in the movie, I suspect, to evoke unfairly the shade of the late great Stan Laurel.

The best, like this, is in shades of gray, evoking the personal equivocations, the doubts, the discomfort and the sheer, crushing boredom and fatigue that constitute the real nature of war.

In an attempt to find regions for which the activation correlated with the strength of the 3D shape perception, we derived linear contrasts involving the four 2D shading conditions evoking intermediate degrees of 3D perception of the stimuli (center-shaded, shaded-blob, unshaded-blob, and pixel-scrambled conditions).

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