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Sentence examples for evokes feelings of from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 24 )

"Without being kitsch, it evokes feelings of warmth for the beast". That's the point.

Although the work is plotless, it evokes feelings of social unrest with its ominous treads and insistent jumps.

"Regulation" evokes feelings of constriction, constraint, holding back; so it is little wonder that many see regulation as a barrier to progress.

The prospect of losing a fight evokes feelings of guilt and sadness in the player, rather than panic and self-preservation.

Explaining Blink's name, Komoroske said it "evokes feelings of speed and simplicity, which fits with our goals around speed and simplicity of architecture.

The human aspects of the landscape, including wind turbines and the Nairobi skyline, interact with the natural elements and the visitors' own experiences to create a distinct genius loci and evokes feelings of place attachment.

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similar ( 36 )

This evolution of on-chip interconnects may evoke feelings of among networking old-timers.

Intrusive imagery is hypothesised to evoke feelings of contamination and urges to wash.

But for some people, this time of year can evoke feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety.

How do Anish Kapoor and other artists use scale and space to evoke feelings of memory?

Mr. Kabakov exploits the intrinsic silence of painting to evoke feelings of alienation and dread.

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