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Sentence examples for enjoyable entertainment from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 4 )

The result is an enjoyable entertainment that mostly glosses lightly over the many prickly issues it raises.

Meanwhile, the puppet theatre was continuing on a less exalted plane to demonstrate that it could still provide enjoyable entertainment for popular audiences.

It might not be a magnificent movie -neither was the Yul Brynner version - but it is certainly enjoyable entertainment.

There are super spy kids gadgets that even include baby monitors, spy listener, allowing children to listen in on rooms, which can provide hours of enjoyable entertainment.

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similar ( 56 )

All of those enjoyable entertainments, and My Family, were criticised for their negative depictions of fathers.

I would really recommend thus book for enjoyable, light entertainment!

At times loving homage, at times bold reinvention, and at times winking parody, it's nonetheless an altogether enjoyable summer entertainment that manages, in its own way, to hearken back to those thrilling days of yesteryear.

"Moonlight" was a black movie made by black filmmakers, all working within a system that Beatty, despite his desire to tell "radical" stories, such as "Reds," in 1981, supported by wrapping his concerns in big, enjoyable popular entertainments.

Playing in the Geffen's smaller theater, "Nothing to Hide" was a slicker, simpler and more enjoyable evening's entertainment.

In that respect, it is very much like "The Artist," which was an enjoyable and admirable entertainment without quite managing to be a great movie.

Dispensing with the folksiness of the piece is one thing, making it seem more than just a squib of musical entertainment (enjoyable though it is on that level) is quite another.

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