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Sentence examples for challenging commitment from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 3 )

While development remains a challenging commitment for state heads and governors, she adds, state funding is inadequate and "a growing number of state schools are recognising the benefits that a development function can provide in finding additional sources of income to supplement their ever reducing government funding".

"That was a very challenging commitment to keep, because every hour I spent doing that, I wasn't studying applied econometrics.

But slowly I began to understand that it was – or could be – a very public symbol of a profound and challenging commitment to a life shared at the deepest level.

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similar ( 57 )

The court action challenges commitments by Occidental to spend a total of $85 million constructing and endowing the Hammer museum.

In the 2000 Senate race, the security of Israel became an issue in the campaign, with Mrs. Clinton's Republican opponent, Representative Rick A. Lazio, challenging her commitment to Israel.

So as the argument about Britain's future in Europe develops it appears less about the repatriation of powers or challenging the commitment to "ever closer union" but more about making the EU work more efficiently, with the prime minister being urged to go out and build an alliance for reform.

The process of challenging competing commitments and making real progress toward overcoming immunity to change unfolds over a longer period weeks or even months.

Landon Donovan publicly challenged his commitment to the team.

"WikiLeaks does not challenge our commitment to Internet freedom," she said.

"This is the type of case that challenges our commitment and faith in the United States Constitution," Mr. Carney said.

In evaluating applications, Princeton looks for openness, maturity, flexibility, courage, resourcefulness, eagerness to be challenged and commitment to service.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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