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Sentence examples for been rumoured for a from inspiring English sources

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It's been rumoured for a while.

She has also been rumoured for a Glastonbury headline slot after the festival's founder Michael Eavis reportedly expressed interest in booking her.

The announcement of the proposed deal, which has been rumoured for a while, led to a 12% jump in Britvic's share price and shares in AG Barr rose 10%.

This has been rumoured for a while, but on Monday Mr Biden made a pretty direct criticism of the idea that cartels can be shut down by arresting or killing their bosses, as Mr Calderón has tried to do over the past five years.

As Breaking Bad fans await the outcome of the desert shootout, there's finally a glimmer of hope on the horizon: not quite the tribal police riding to the rescue, but an announcement from AMC, confirming that they're making the Better Call Saul spinoff that's been rumoured for a while.

The loss of 3i is a blow to European venture capital, though not unexpected in 3i's case as the move had been rumoured for a while and reflects a wider trend away from early stage amongst bigger venture houses.

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Garrett Hedlund is also mentioned as being rumoured for a part.

#SDCC Despite being rumoured for a part in Marvel's forthcoming Doctor Strange, Cumberbatch said Batman was the comic book character he would most like to play.

Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto 5 is rumoured for an October 2012 release, while Assassin's Creed 3 and Resident Evil 6 are out in the same month.

Though the company's chief executive, Tim Cook, is expected to show off the iPhone 6, which will go on sale by the end of this month, the iWatch, which has been rumoured for more than a year but never officially confirmed, is not believed to be in mass production.

The move, which has been rumoured for several months, is an attempt to navigate the torrid conditions of the consumer magazine market, which had caused sales to decline to just 15,000.

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