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Sentence examples for a massive reader from inspiring English sources

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"I'm not a massive reader of traditional books.

Another confession: despite being both a massive reader and a massive gay, I struggled to find 10 such scenes.

I've always been a massive reader, but I'd never really thought about writing".

But in mid-April following a massive reader app user count spike it replaced this with a redesigned "trending articles" box that shows fewer articles, and that seems to appear less prominently.

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similar ( 56 )

Management consultant, Luton "I'm not a massive Guardian reader – sometimes it can be a bit too woolly and liberal for my tastes – but I have both the Telegraph and Guardian apps on my phone.

Welcome to 10 Days of CrunchGear, our MASSIVE reader giveaway event with over 30 prizes.

A massive statement for a reader too easily distracted by Twitter and Netflix.

It's also crucial to note that something caused a massive spike in social reader user counts in early April, according to application growth tracking service AppData.

For the moment, we are left with an enjoyable, highly professional crime novel that has escaped from the aim its author had for it but taken on a massive new significance for readers.

Ever since then, he's been blogging about Saul's statement as if it were a massive disaster, assuring his readers that "Mitt Romney's ardent supporters are fit to be tied today".

We're going to be getting a fully realized look at who Blindfold is, and how she came to be the way she is, in Episode 5. Beyond that, we have some pretty startling plans for Arc 2, which is going to throw readers a massive curveball.

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