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Sentence examples for On the same person from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 42 )

Don't do another one on the same person.

If the person you're trying to be friends with is mean, turn away and try another person or just try on the same person one more time.

The one-on-one interviews, for example, sometimes feature two separate camera angles on the same person; the footage is intercut to create the final version of the scene.

For example, during a class discussion on the differences between the two plots, Neil explained, 'Shanna's was based on the same person and the other one was based on different [people], and it would be different measurement,' and 'Um, Shanna's arm span there's not like as much options in measurement, you can just do like one type cause it's her.

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similar ( 18 )

(e) Is it possible for there to be more than one event validly reported for the same person on the same day – either for hospital discharge events or RAC entry events?

When running low on actors, the same person that played Irene can put on a blond wig, a dab of makeup, and some sunglasses, and play Bonnie as well.

The shortage is so dire that some counties are planning on having the same person chair multiple precinct caucuses simultaneously.

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