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Sentence examples for your legs farther from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

(Keeping your butt against the wall and toes pointed, using your hands and stomach muscles, pull your body closer to the wall. When you have reached the wall, spread your legs farther.

Additionally, if you lay on a workout bench instead of on the floor, it will improve your range of motion and allow you to lift/lower your legs farther.[1].

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similar ( 58 )

When your leg is farther back it will swing harder and the ball will fly past any defender.

Boeckmann allegedly told RM to take a can out of a bag and bend over as if he was picking it up, while spreading his legs farther and farther apart.

Polanski said, " 'Oh, I won't come inside of you then,'... then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus," despite her saying that she didn't want him to.

Illustrated by Idle ("Tea Rex" and "Flora and the Flamingo") in sweetly pink-hued scenes, Zombelina can extend her legs farther than any of the human girls in class — because she's completely disconnected at the hip.

Then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus.

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