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exact ( 6 )

The new principles include high-level ideals such as, "We will seek to ensure that A.I. technologies benefit and empower as many people as possible".

Through the Nurse Review of research councils, we will seek to ensure that the UK continues to support world-leading science, and invests public money in the best possible way.

Through an amendment to the lobbying bill, we will seek to ensure there is proper oversight of conflicts of interests when people take up senior roles in government, only to leave and then immediately take their expertise, knowledge and insights into the commercial sector.

"We also recognise there has been an emotional toll on those who played and officiated in the game between the Newcastle Knights and Melbourne Storm and particularly on those involved in the incident that resulted in the injury to Alex. "From the RLPA's perspective, we will seek to ensure that the rights of all parties are protected throughout any legal process that might eventuate".

We will seek to ensure blinding of outcome assessment as far as possible.

In this way, we will seek to ensure consistency in the way the intervention is developed in each service.

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similar ( 54 )

"We are sure that the minister will seek to ensure that the expertise of teaching unions, and other important voices, are all part of his thinking," Mr Evans added.

He added: "We are currently consulting on the forthcoming Sustainable Procurement Bill, which will seek to ensure that all public bodies in Scotland adopt transparent, streamlined and standardised procurement processes that are friendly to Scottish businesses".

We suggest that the time has come to develop AI oversight systems ("AI Guardians") that will seek to ensure that the various smart machines will not stray from the guidelines their programmers have provided.

A review panel will seek to ensure that discipline is administered consistently when employees are punished.

And in turn, our clients will seek to ensure that such sensitive personal information is in future better protected.

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