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Sentence examples for voter himself from inspiring English sources

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exact (4)

"Disenfranchising voters through no fault of the voter himself is plainly unconstitutional," wrote Judge Bernard McGinley (in reference to the state constitution, not the US constitution).

The Economist

However, this objective could be achieved only if the ballot was not supplied by the voter himself, as was the case in much early voting by secret ballot, or by political parties, as is still the case in some countries.

Decades of trying to dissect and interpret the desires of the American voter -- for the purpose, ultimately, of undermining opponents and manipulating public opinion -- have changed the character of the voter himself.

Since the voter himself has decided which of the two ballot papers carries his actual vote, it is hard to "game" the system by feeding him a true and a false paper.A third approach to the idea of encrypted ballots is called Scantegrity II.

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similar (55)

But if that is so, he has not sold the message to New Jersey voters, And it is a bitter irony that a man who can expound for hours on the theology of Reinhold Niebuhr or the esoterica of prescription drug plans has not been able to explain something far more basic for New Jersey voters: himself.

In November 2000, for instance, an Angeleno voter found himself faced with 40 separate decisions to make on the ballot.

In addition, the single-issue voter aligns himself or herself with a party that might not otherwise appear a logical bedfellow.

Now look, they got me!" As the voter checks himself or herself out of the two-star hotel, a final thought hits them.

Despite this, the committee recommended inclusion of an elector's date of birth in the elector lists "on the grounds that this would provide a further safeguard against electoral fraud, especially in cases where a prospective voter presents himself or herself at a poll without adequate identification", and this was included in the committee stage in the House of Commons.

Tony Leon, who leads the mostly white DA, energetically wooed black voters, surrounding himself with black colleagues throughout his campaign.

He appealed in ever starker terms to evangelical voters, presenting himself as the sole defender of the faith in the field.

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