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Sentence examples for usually progressed from inspiring English sources

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exact (6)

After the onset of dyspnea, patients usually progressed to respiratory failure or hypoxemia.

Critical Care

The total running and non-weight-bearing training load is usually progressed based on standard weekly training distances and high-speed running intensities.

A recent clinical trial with antibodies against IGF-1R in sarcoma patients showed that some RMS patients initially responded to therapy, but the patients usually progressed rapidly despite the therapy (Pappo et al, 2014).

The clinical signs in 21 clinical suspects with confirmed BSE that were monitored regularly from at least 20 weeks prior to cull are displayed in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4. Signs usually progressed over a period of 20 weeks.

The authors conclude that from a health perspective, there is no evidence to support alcohol use in men younger than 55 years, when heart disease is uncommon and the atherosclerosis process has not usually progressed far.

The track record indicates that sauropods usually progressed at slow speeds (Thulborn, 1990; Christiansen, 1997; Lockley & Meyer, 2000), with estimates from trackways ranging from about 2 to 7 km h−1 (Thulborn, 1990; Mazzetta & Blanco, 2001).

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similar (54)

Progression of the forefoot deformity usually progresses to medial cuneometatarsal joint instability.

The dominant 7th is the usual way the dominant chord is played and will usually progress into another chord.

If puberty is merely delayed, it will usually progress normally after this treatment.

A place in the quarter-finals is a strong possibility, but we don't usually progress much further than that.

Area mining usually progresses in a series of parallel deep trenches referred to as furrows or strips.

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