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Sentence examples for upon my arrival from inspiring English sources

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"upon my arrival" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are talking about when you arrive somewhere. For example: Upon my arrival at the beach, I was met with a cool ocean breeze.

exact ( 60 )

"Upon my arrival, I found an associate who informed me that the laptops were in stock.

That's how many carrots I saw upon my arrival at Bolthouse Farms.

Hundreds of people greeted me at the airport upon my arrival.

Upon my arrival here, I didn't know what to believe and what to shrug off as nonsense.

"Railroad crossing lights were on and operational upon my arrival at the scene," he wrote in his accident report.

"I insisted on seeing the documents myself," Baute said, "and was provided with them upon my arrival in New York".

This caused me to miss my connecting flight, and upon my arrival in Denver I was directed to the customer-service line.

Daniel and Natalie Borman opened their front door and warmly greeted me upon my arrival from New York, then eagerly asked for news about their oldest son.

"I walk out of triathlon with my head very high, knowing that the organization is significantly better upon my exit than upon my arrival," he said.

Upon my arrival into Sinjar, it was claimed that Isis still held 70 per cent of the city, Kurds 30 per cent.

And whatever you do, don't keep a lot of cash on hand," suggested my father's friend upon my arrival last week.

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