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Sentence examples for unleash turmoil from inspiring English sources

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But even Mr. Mutlaq, a disheveled former agronomist, seems taken aback at landing square center in a growing dispute that threatens to unleash turmoil ahead of Iraq's parliamentary elections in March.

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The US government needs to be able raise the nation's $16.7tn£10.5tntn) debt ceiling on 17 October otherwise it might not be able to make payments on bonds it has issued in the past, unleashing turmoil in the financial markets.

That had eased fears that the country would leave the euro and unleash further turmoil on the currency.

This month John Negroponte, the overall head of America's intelligence services, said that if Mr Obasanjo stayed on he might "unleash major turmoil and conflict" that could lead to a "disruption of oil supply, secessionist moves by regional governments, major refugee flows, and instability elsewhere in west Africa".

And it remains unclear who will pay to recapitalize weak banks or how terminally ill banks will be shut down without unleashing market turmoil.

Yet what's going on between them beside the moody turmoil unleashed by the images is actually very slight.

Thirty-six million people were hounded and perhaps a million died in the turmoil unleashed by Mao Zedong in 1966.

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