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Sentence examples for unleash mayhem from inspiring English sources

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"unleash mayhem" is correct and usable in written English. It is an idiom meaning to cause chaos, turmoil, or destruction. Example: The government's decision to cut education funding will likely unleash mayhem in the education system.

exact ( 9 )

Despite its sacred aura, the organ has a diabolical appeal: one touch of a button can unleash mayhem.

THE waiter wore the kind of mad grin normally seen on movie villains as they unleash mayhem on an unsuspecting city.

They also include a host of adversaries who are constantly probing the country's cyberdefenses, looking for opportunities to steal secrets or unleash mayhem by shutting down critical infrastructure.

It is a scenario explored by French designer David Benqué, who has dreamed up a fictional activist network named the New Weathermen: a group of "biopunks" aiming to unleash mayhem through direct action.

On some such as the war's impact on the wellbeing of Iraqis and the consequences for the Middle East the facts must have their say, even if they do not all point in the same direction.For example, some of the war's critics predicted that it would unleash mayhem throughout the region, driving enraged Muslims into the arms of al-Qaeda and toppling friendly regimes like ninepins.

An overwhelming majority of Republicans will press a button to unleash mayhem on racial minorities just as willingly as Milgram's subjects turned a dial to electrocute a test subject.

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similar ( 51 )

In a rare starring role, he was Ezra Cobb, a crazed farmer who unleashes mayhem, in the cult horror film "Deranged".

ME: Oprah unleashed mayhem in the Twittersphere last week when, in her first tweet, she greeted "Twitters" instead of "Twitterers".

Like Divine's delinquent antiheroine in that movie, who unleashed mayhem on Christmas morning when she didn't get her cha-cha heels, Clara desperately wants ballet shoes.

Barely a year after Applegarth signalled the start of the credit crunch, Lehman Brothers collapsed, unleashing mayhem in the market and a series of bank bailouts.

Sent into France before and after the D-Day landings, members of the Special Operations Executive and the Special Air Service were charged with unleashing mayhem across the German lines.

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