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Sentence examples for to be an exact match from inspiring English sources

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exact (8)

In fact, it turned out to be an exact match for the tail on a fossil called Archaeoraptor, which National Geographic magazine had trumpeted as a "missing link" between birds and dinosaurs.

Science Magazine

For their trained race the image had to be an exact match, whereas in their untrained race a same trial was considered any face from the same race.

The start and end points of the CNV call are not required to be an exact match, but have to fall within a 2 kb window around the start and end points in the reference.

The two free text variables, primary reason for transfer and transfer service, were deemed to be an exact match with the PTAC form if the information was consistent with the institutional patient record.

To be identified as phospholipids in 'common' to both Cx26 and Cx32, there had to be an exact match for all the analyzed parameters (headgroup, linkage, acyl chain carbon atom content, and desaturation).

7 In this validation, the progression-free survival predicted for the simulated patients treated with alemtuzumab and chlorambucil (when setting input parameters including patient characteristics, time horizon, and response rates to be an exact match of the alemtuzumab trial) were compared with the actual progression-free survival reported in that study.

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similar (52)

Participants were informed that these differed in their resemblance to the scenario, but none would be an exact match.

Alignment methods must accommodate some sizing error since an experimental Rmap fragment size will rarely be an exact match to the corresponding fragment in another Rmap or in the reference genome.

The valve you purchase should be an exact match to the old valve in terms of size, thread and type.

If there could not be an exact match a similar indication was accepted, or the pairs were matched according to the presence of any relative indication.

A leading rival, Orbitz, promises that the price will be an exact match.

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