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Sentence examples for there is no prevailing from inspiring English sources

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exact (7)

For now, there is no prevailing theory of what will happen, only a wide range of possibilities that dozens of people directly involved in the process, including state legislators and members of Congress, mentioned in interviews.

The New York Times

Where there is no prevailing prior knowledge on the site, a non-informative prior distribution (e.g., uniform prior distribution) is used to reflect quantitatively the engineering common sense and judgment.

Flu virus with novel H types have a profound advantage because there is no prevailing immunity in humans against those types.

Tony Blinken, Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser, told CNN: "There is no prevailing theory".

There is no prevailing wind on the site of the Ocean Course; the wind direction can change in a matter of hours.

There is no prevailing evidence that incarceration and subsequent re-incarceration reduce crime.

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similar (52)

"In 2008, the only prevailing trend is that there are no prevailing trends," she wrote.

"There was no prevailing fear in the neighborhood of anything," he said.

"And she determined that since we each won something and we each lost something, there was no prevailing party".

And yet there was no prevailing sense of mayhem here: as rowdiness goes, it was orderly, perhaps because this was a rare area appearance for Tech N9ne and his brood.

Finally, because there was no prevailing opinion as to the final role of the technology assessment institution, it was not established.

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