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Sentence examples for there is no embarrassment from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 9 )

There is no embarrassment".

"There is no embarrassment for Leigh Day..

There is no embarrassment, and why should there be?

There used to be that slight nervous apprehension, but nowadays there is no embarrassment at all.

In those extreme cases there is nothing contested or ambiguous; there is no embarrassment to be accounted for.

In addition, with public disclosure of an apparently reasonable basis for a resignation, typically there is no embarrassment to the company or to the believed-to-be-inadequate president.

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similar ( 51 )

Will there be "no embarrassment", as Brendan Rodgers termed that Camp Nou defeat, this time?

"We're all great friends so there was no embarrassment," Ms. Livesey said.

Then, when they were faced with the camera there was no embarrassment, cringing and wondering where to put themselves.

There's no embarrassment about the immense fortune that made the museum possible, no old-fashioned cultural money-laundering in the manner of Carnegie or Mellon.

There was no embarrassment, and no desire to progress to a quick feel, but it was a nice little interlude quickly (almost) forgotten.

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