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Sentence examples for there is a clear incentive from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 17 )

Given the penalties for transgression, there is a clear incentive to cheat.

With about as many Zacatecanos 1.5m living in the United States as in the state itself, there is a clear incentive to build strong ties.

But they do show that even in states where the benefits are relatively high, there is a clear incentive to remove oneself quickly from the ranks of the unemployed.

There is a clear incentive for several teams to gang up on the favourites in what is called "a mafia" and ensure that the gold medals stay among the specialists.

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similar ( 42 )

And there's a clear incentive to enrol in year one: introductory subsidies by the EC mean that fees for the first intake will be capped at €2,000.

Add to that, in European cities like Barcelona, where there has already been major investment in public transport infrastructure, there's a clear incentive to funnel residents along existing tracks, including by tightly controlling new and supplementary forms of micro-mobility.

This is a clear incentive to bad practices.

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