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Sentence examples for theme saying that from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 14 )

Gove picked up on the theme, saying that "the leaders of the militant teaching unions have gone out on strike.

Mr. Bush quickly picked up that theme, saying that the Clinton-Gore administration had promised many things.

Clinton picked up on that theme, saying that the proposed American host cities all have residents from 100 to 150 nations.

Mr. Santorum echoed that theme, saying that "it's getting harder for people to make ends meet because we have a government that is crushing us every single day".

The House majority leader, Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, echoed that theme, saying that "despite some encouraging news," the report confirmed that millions of Americans had simply left the work force.

Then Cameron continued with his drugs-based theme, saying that a question from Michael Meacher, once a candidate for Labour's deputy leadership, suggested the effects of "mind-altering substances".

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similar ( 46 )

Consistent with the play's theme, say that if there has been a production of it in the last six decades, it was not well promoted.

On Thursday, Mr. Gingrich, in a variation on a campaign theme, said that if he were the Republican nominee, he would run against President Obama in part by visiting minority communities to pitch his supply-side recipe for job creation.

South Korean officials sounded similar themes, saying that the North's effort was to extract a higher price — in aid, investment and diplomatic concessions — for restraining future launchings or nuclear tests.

For years, state media set the themes, saying that the people should change.

It must have been the law itself that told you". 48 But there are some who, not content with raising imaginary objections, develop whole passages on such themes, saying that they know their opponents will say this and will proceed to argue thus and thus.

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