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exact ( 25 )

Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed the unique difference in the specificity between the two similar antibodies: mAb14A2 recognized several quercetin-3-glycosides including Q3G and rutin but mAb11G6 was highly specific to the Q3G structure.

The average diameter of virus particles from AFM images and the specificity between the viral surface antigen and antibody probe were integrated to design a three-stage method that sets the measuring area to a single virus particle before obtaining the force measurements, where the influenza virus was used as the object of measurements.

The standard and sample was compared with respect to peak start, peak apex, and peak end of the bands which showed the specificity between extracts and standard compound and purity of the peaks (Table 3).

A mutagenetic analysis demonstrated that the A2461T substitution explains the specificity between FLNa and FLNb (Figure 6E).

However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these observations or the specificity between SIRT family members have not yet been evaluated.

All sequence alignments between the orthologous and homologous proteins were done using MUSCLE[41] to further determine the specificity between the sequences found via WU-BLASTP.

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similar ( 35 )

But the mechanism underlying the specificities between kinesin superfamily and the cargo receptors remains unknown.

Experiment I investigated the specificity of between-task interference.

The difference in the cleavage specificity between the in vitro cells and the in vivo embryos, even using the same target sequences, might have been caused by differences in the protocols that were used.

Length variations, especially in the E2 loop and in terminal fragments, could contribute to the functional specificity between the ligands and the G-proteins [21].

The sensitivity is between 80%and90%90 %, and the specificity is between 90 % and 97 % [3].

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