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Sentence examples for the relevant moment from inspiring English sources

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exact (5)

And regulars seated on the stools can slip in the odd request at the relevant moment.

The New York Times - Travel

Thus, he says, an individual athlete's response to victory or defeat will depend on which side is more dominant in the relevant moment.

This is a shame, surely, because part of the appeal of such guide books as the Lonely Planet series is to carry around a witty cognoscento to foreign climes, some insightful smart-arse to be downloaded from one's bag at the relevant moment.

Again, each substance is programmed at creation to be active/passive at the relevant moment, with no occurrence of real substantial interaction.

To determine whether the agent is positively or negatively relevant to an upshot, we should consider what would have happened if the agent had not acted at the relevant moment, or what would have happened if the agent had 'abstained from intervening in the course of nature'.

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similar (53)

Sometimes, when she could, she would nod or smile at the relevant moments.

And at the relevant moments, Harry Gregson-Williams's musical score for Caspian does sound suspiciously like this iconic melody.

The velocities to be used in the two transport equations are obtained by defining moment-average quantities and constructing further transport equations for the relevant moment-average velocities.

Using this model to fit the internal non-bonded distances indicated a folding angle of 9.1°, which was apportioned in transforming the coordinates in the ratio 0.35 : 0.65, the inverse ratio of the relevant moments of inertia about N1 – N1.

To conclude, using a population-genetic approach that takes into account all the relevant moments of reproduction in the two sexes, we have shown that the effect of sex-specific reproductive variance and covariances and selection on it influences the evolution of dioecious species.

However, bending in the yz plane was still likely to be negligible as the relevant second moments of inertia of the aluminum parts would be high relative to those relevant to bending in the xz plane.

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MA of Applied Linguistic, Maquarie University, Australia
English teacher at Nói Tiéng Anh Chuån, Vietnam

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